Monday, June 24, 2013

Paver Sealer Gone Bad

Cleaning and sealing concrete or brick pavers sounds like a pretty easy thing to do. The truth is that it is an involved process and without the proper training, tools and materials it is very easy to screw up.
Sealing pavers is not a do it yourself project. It is extremely time consuming and detail orientated.
Hiring your landscaping company to clean, install polymeric sand and seal is not a great idea either.
I've seen situations where when installing polymeric joint sand, they leave too much in the joints and some even on the surface of the pavers. This will cause wide white joints that look like failing grout lines. Then without properly blowing off the pavers it will leave a white haze that will get trapped under the sealer. Another huge mistake is sealing the pavers before they were dry leading to the white haze on the surface of the pavers. These are all situations that can be around for a long time and although not permanent, you don't need the added expense of doing it a second time.
Sealing your concrete or brick pavers is a wise investment and when installed right can give you years of enjoyment and protection.
For a free consultation call Paul Saladino
Office: (631) 678-6896
Mobile: (631) 404-5410